
Thursday, August 14, 2008


Stratford-upon-Avon, Warkwickshire

40miles from Oxford, we were at Stratford.

I wanted to visit StratfordUpAvon as a standard FOUR kid. The Std 4 non-detail text not only introduced me to the abridged version of Shakespeare’s works, but also to Stratford through sketches and text.

A small town on the Banks of river Avon with just 24,000 permanent residents - Stratford is best known as the home town of the great English playwright and poet, William Shakespeare, iff ones’ not under the contention that, ‘he could not have written what the world thinks he has written’.

City Square and Saturday Market

Holy Trinity Church

This is where Shakespeare lies buried, and thus a place of pilgrimage. Beside Shakespeare also lay buried are Anne Hathway (bard’s wife) and Daughter.

Holy Trinity Church, on the banks of River Avon.

Royal Shakespeare Company – The Courtyard Theatre

Royal Shakespeare Company – Swan Theatre

Bridge Street

Bard’s Street

There are umpteen number of shops selling works of Shakespeare and specially, ‘The Complete Works of William Shakespeare’. But, had already stacked that in the shelf back home. But, luckily spotted a tourist free, students free, Oxford University Shop and shopped for Tees.

Shakespeare’s Birthplace and Garden

Shakespeare’s house has been restored with 16th century décor and some authentic items preserved. The recent inclusions are the Gardens.

The Christmas Shop

Never seen one such exclusive shop. The stuff here was absolutely enticing.

Ann Hathway’s Cottage

Approx 1mile from the town centre, in the hamlet of Shottery is Hathway’s Cottage. She is said to have lived here until her marriage to Shakespeare.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...wanted to visit Stratford as a standard FOUR kid... huh! The only story I remember of have read of this bard is the merchent of venice. Being brought up in Kannada till my primary school, I ensured that I remained at a respectable distance from this fellow :-) forget knowing a place such as Stratford.

Images of the city square, trinity church, of those Mallard ducks in the Avon river have come really well. The thatched house of Ann Hathway, liked the setting.

Isn't the glass work in the church wondeful?

Coming to the poet's grave...and about whatever that has been preserved of the poet...it is really an amazing work. 1564-1616 period makes me think of Purandara Dasa (1484 - 1564). Purandara roamed on our soil just a century before the English land gave birth to the poet. How wonderful those days would have been to have such great people!

You know what? Purandara Dasa visited a temple of Sri Krishna in Chikka-mallUr village near Channapattana. The temple is still there and is known for "ambe-gaalina krishna" and "apramEya swami". I don't know if Purandara came by wallk or used bullock carts. But, this is the place where he composed the famous "jagadOdhArana, aaDisidaLe yashOdha..." where he mentioned one of the names of Vishnu "apramEya". A wonderful temple to visit and just imagine how it would have been during Purandara's visit. I have logged it in my old blog post http://gpitta.blogspot.com/2008/02/my-cousin-was-in-town-and-i-had-to-take.html

Bottomline: It is the memory of the great people that brings in sanctity to a place (or anything for that matter). And we observe such people as great people not because they tried to become one, but because they were great.

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