
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The July 4th Weekend

We have been planning to watching the Indepedence day Fireworks display at SFO for 3 years now and finally 2013 was the year. 

All the waiting, traffic, congestion, finding-a-parking-spot, rush, queues and the 3 times more time it took us to reach home was really worth the experience. The time & effort it took and the 100s of cops I saw, constantly reminded me of watching Mysore Dasara.

I am a big fan of 'Bench-with-a-View' and when its with the smell of Sea and sound of waves, it can't get better!

People also add life to a beach..

This one is my all time favorite picture. The Artist in me was instantly gratified. I would anyday trade my time to do this!

An experience can never be complete without watching the Golden Gate Bridge, no matter what weather conditions the ocean throws at us!

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